Brooklyn , NY (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments


by Laquaza Parker

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $5,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $5,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Brooklyn , NY (US)

Laquaza Parker is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

My Name Is Laquaza Parker and I Have Blocked Fallopian Tubes and PCOS…It have been a very rough time we started to plan for the baby and after being Engaged…1 year and it was no lucky trying to plan naturally..I made a GYN appointment and all of my test came back good so the GYN doctor said that I need to see a fertility specialist the doctor gave me a referral it was for the following year cause the fertility specialist was all booked up so I made a appointment for somewhere else and had to pay out of pocket for the consultation the doctor told me to do ivf so I wasn’t honestly ready for that yet so I just waited. The year came I finally got the call and got my appointment they ran all the test again everything came back good again so the doctor wanted to try one last test the doctor did a test to check my Fallopian tube the test came back when they put the dye to see if my tubes was blocked my left Fallopian tube was block and my right Fallopian tube was good so that was the problem there so she gave me 2 option they will give me the medication and have sex naturally with time intercourse or IUI so I choose IUI..I did 6 cycles of IUI..The first time it failed. The second time I went back I got pregnant I carried the baby to 6 weeks and had a miscarriage I was devastated and went into depression and stressed out. I went back for the 3rd,4th,5rd and 6th time all of those failed I went into depression again and stress so the doctor told me they don’t go over 6 so I need to see a IVF doctor..I was research everything was very expensive so I came across CNY I looked at the reviews it was great everyone got pregnant so I scheduled appointment they ain’t have no appointments for a year later for the phone consultation so I waited the call happen April 4,2022 everything went okay but I can’t afford it too grown my family cause it is so expensive but I really want a family now I’m in my 30s and still no lucky yet I have moments when I go into depression and lock my self in the room and cry